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Learn More About Hands-on Cooking Baking in Singapore

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

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Cooking Baking Singapore – Find Your Passion in Cooking

The Pixar movie Ratatouille taught us one very valuable lesson: Anyone can cook! Learn To Cook Delicious Meals Today!

Japanese Cooking ClassesIndeed, in recent years, more people are getting their hands dirty chopping vegetables, braising chicken and pork, growing their own food, and investing on great and even highly technological utensils and pieces of equipment all for the love of cooking. 

What Is Cooking?

There are two ways to define cooking.

In the broad sense, it is the process of food preparation and the skills needed to come up with food.

To be more specific, it describes the procedure of heating food up to certain temperatures using a variety of tools and techniques. 

Kinds of Cooking Methods

Because cooking is based on many things, such as equipment, technique, temperature, and desired outcome, we have various types of cooking methods. 

Boiling, steaming, baking, frying, grilling — these are all techniques on how to prepare and cook your food.

But in general, there are two basic types.

We have the dry heat and the moist heat method.

The dry heat method is all about transfer of heat without any kind of liquid or moisture.

If there is, it’s just usually fat or oil, such as when you pan fry a chicken or stir fry vegetables.

It includes putting ingredients on a hot surface such as a grill or a rack in a rotisserie.

Baking is also another example of dry heat since it uses convection: heat circulates inside, thereby heating up the dough and creating breads, cookies, and the many pastries you love.

Then there’s the moist heat cooking, which, as its name implies, includes some moisture or liquid.

One example is steaming, where the steam coming from boiling water is the one that cooks the food.

Poaching a pear is also another kind.

Is it possible to use these two types to come up with a dish?

Of course! Check out a Hainanese chicken rice recipe.

It uses simmering, creating stock, and sautéing.

That’s why it takes a long time to create it, but the various cooking methods make the dish so flavorful it’s worth the effort. 

Baking – This is a cooking process that is generally based on two things. One is dry heat — that is, the ingredient is not exposed to direct heat, such as placed underneath a flame.

Instead it’s placed in convection equipment like an oven, where heat circulates around, thereby heating up the raw ingredients. It’s also possible to use a hot surface.

Another component is the use of dough or batter.

Frying – To fry, you need fat, which is usually interpreted as oil.

Thus, frying uses vegetable oil, olive oil, corn oil, or coconut oil, to name a few.

Since fat has a higher melting point, you can cook longer even when frying, allowing food to have crisper or more brownish texture.

There are three common ways of frying: deep, stir, and shallow frying.

Roasting– Most of the succulent meats such as lamb and turkey are roasted.

This means the meat is usually placed on a rack and heated using an uncovered oven, rotisserie, or open flame.

The technique, however, requires slow cooking to help bring out the fats and juices of the meat and to tenderize it.

Barbecuing – To barbecue something is to place the uncooked food over charred coals or firewood.

It is very similar to grilling, though grilling is ideal for fast cooking.

You need to spend more time and pay more attention when you’re barbecuing. 

Learn how to cook with us! Cooking Class Singapore offers hands on cooking and baking classes and you will get to learn the different cooking methods. 

Contact us now for more information. 

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