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Learn More About Trendy Hands-on Cooking Class in Singapore

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

Italian Cooking Classes Singapore

Trendy Cooking Classes in Singapore

Learning brand-new cooking styles could not be more exciting and satisfying these days.

We have cooked up four fun international cuisine classes that will delight your palate and test your skills. 

Italian Cuisine, Souffle Making, Peranakan Cuisine, and Greek Cuisine are our four new cooking classes for you to enjoy and learn.

Good food helps keep the weight balanced and your taste buds satisfied, you can take care of both these needs by attending one of our new cooking classes and spend an afternoon with other like-minded food lovers.

Learn from our world-renowned chefs in Singapore.

Let’s take a look a closer look at these popular cooking classes.

1. The Italian Cuisine Class is a winner. I mean who does not love Pizza?

Pizza Making Class - Who doesn't love pizzaz

You will learn the simple yet necessary steps of mixing up tasty pizza dough, and the secrets of throwing that doughy circle.

The pizza sauce is essential, and your chef instructor will guide you through the measurements of ingredients and spices to make pizza sauce just right.

Then there is the cheese, which one and how many are the questions you might have?

These questions, as well as others, will be answered in our Italian Cuisine Class.

2. Souffle Making Class is new and unique.

Souffle Making Class Singapore - Easy to follow

You may not think of souffle often, but there are so many ways to jazz up a plate with a souffle or even just the ability to make lovely desserts for your loved ones is a reason to try this class.

Souffles are beautiful desserts to have for afternoon tea.

Our chefs will help you with ingredients, as well as other great souffle flavours.

Try this unique and exciting class of making souffle.

3. Peranakan Cuisine mixes the best of many cultural cuisines such as Malaysian, Chinese, Western, and more.

Peranakan Cooking Classes - Simple dish

Come see what this divine cuisine has to offer in our Penang Cuisine Class.

Our experienced chefs will start you off with some of the most beloved Penang recipes you can cook and enjoy with your friends and family.

Chicken and pork will never taste so good with the Penang twists you learn in this class.

4. Greek Cuisine should conjure up grape leaves wrapped around a rice filling, black olives, feta cheese, fabulous red wine, and more.

In our Greek Cuisine class, you will learn how to make the Classic Greek Salad along with other delicious Greek favourites.

It’s a family affair in Greece to learn some of the secrets of the longevity of the Greek people through their food.

So whether you are in the mood to learn to make something pretty simple, but tasty in our Italian Cuisine class.

Or you want to get a little more daring in our Peranakan Cuisine Cooking Class, we have a new hands-on class for you.

Spend a weekend or an afternoon, or if you are travelling join us and learn from the experts.

We all have fun in the classroom environment and join us for one of these great new trendy hands-on cooking classes.

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